Donations of produce

Thanks to everyone for considering donating fruit and vegetables to the shop, it is our aim to have local fresh produce whenever we can.

We would like you to speak to Sally our shop manager before you bring it down so we can make room for it and not end up with too much. Wasting it would be a real shame!! Sally works weekdays mornings so either pop in and see her or phone on 01626 872931

August news

We hope you enjoyed our Cheese and Wine evening on Monday 14th August to celebrate the shops 14th Birthday.

In addition to celebrating we also raised £100 towards the Dawlish Community Transport fund raising following the fire which destroyed several minibuses. They provide a much valued service to Stokeinteignhead on Wednesday and Friday so we are pleased to be able to help them. There is still a jar on the counter if you would like donate to this local service.

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